Welcome to New Market Elementary!


Mission Statement

The mission of the Randolph County School System is to maximize educational opportunities for every student by focusing on continuous improvement and having high expectations for students and staff, while preparing students for multiple options to be competitive in a diverse 21st Century global society.

New Market by Brenda Page
Counselor Request Form
Counselor Request Form

Volunteer Directions:

-Please visit the Randolph County Schools website: randolph.k12.nc.us

-There are four green banners at the top of the page. Click the banner that says "Careers".

-Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see "Volunteers" and click this tab.

-Underneath volunteers it will say: "Secure Volunteer Background Ling". Click on this link and fill out the necessary information.

-Please see your child's school to complete the paper volunteer application.

News for you

school supplies
Title 1 Night
New Market Stars
School Improvement plan